Journées portes ouvertes et visites des universités Britanniques

Prochains Evénements en Ligne

University of Gloucestershire at SI-UK London

21 February 2020
10:00 - 10:30
SI-UK London Office
Representative: Holly Ford

The University of Gloucestershire is made up of three campuses, two in Cheltenham and one in Gloucester, and was awarded university status in 2001 following the merger of numerous institutions. 8,500 students are currently enrolled from over 60 different countries. The University of Gloucestershire was ranked fifth in the UK for international student support following the International Student Barometer.

Who: University of Gloucestershire

Where: SI-UK London Office

When: Friday 21 February 2020, 10:00 - 10:30

Representative: Holly Ford

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Le service de SI-UK est rapide, fiable et efficace - leurs consultants sont des spécialistes, travaillant en étroite collaboration avec toutes les universités britanniques; grâce aux conseils de mes consultants et à l'aide à la candidature, j'ai pu obtenir des offres des universités les mieux classées.

Carla Termini King's College London, Accounting and Finance

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