Université de Plymouth
Université de Plymouth


Université de Plymouth Ranking



Université de Plymouth Location

South England

Université de Plymouth Université de Plymouth


University Ranking




South England


International Undergraduate Merit Scholarship
Scholarship Name International Undergraduate Merit Scholarship
Academic Year 2025
Scholarship amount £3,500

The International Undergraduate Merit Scholarship will be offered automatically, providing you meet the eligibility criteria. A separate application will not be required.

Scholarship value: £3,500 off your tuition fees in year one.

To recognise continued academic achievement, you may also receive:

  • £2,000 off the successive years tuition fee if an overall grade of 60% or above is maintained

  • £3,500 off the successive years tuition fee if an overall grade of 70% or above is maintained.

To be eligible you must:

  • achieve one grade above your academic offer.

  • meet our standard English language requirements.

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