The Felix Scholarship scheme is available to high achieving students from India and other developing countries pursuing postgraduate studies at the University of Reading. The scholarships cover tuition fees at the international rate and provide a stipend (maintenance grant) to cover living expenses (around £17,894). They also provide generous allowances for clothes, books and a return flight home. Please be aware that you will be asked to demonstrate financial need and spouses' costs will not be met. The awards are available (depending on eligibility) for up to three years.
To be eligible for all the Felix Scholarships offered, you must be applying to start a full-time postgraduate degree at the University of Reading. You must be able to demonstrate academic excellence and financial need and are expected by the Trust to return to work in your home country after completing your studies.
Please note, candidates who already hold a master's degree cannot apply for a master's degree scholarship.
For the scholarship for Indian citizens, the following eligibility criteria apply:
You must be an Indian national and not currently be living or studying outside of India.
You must have not previously studied for one year or more outside India (unless you are Felix Alumnus).
You must have at least a first-class bachelor's degree from an Indian university or comparable institution.
You must not hold a degree from a university outside of India.
This scholarship is available to students pursuing either a PhD or master's.
For the scholarship for students from developing countries, the following eligibility criteria apply:
You must have at least a first-class bachelor's degree from a university or comparable institution, or equivalent.
You must not hold a degree from a university outside of your home country.
Felix Scholarship deadline: 30 January 2025 23:59(GMT).
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Carla Termini King's College London, Accounting and Finance
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